Endpoint documentation is available at https://api.chatsystem.ai

Diagram Catalog

1. Create a catalog

2. Create catalog properties (Search Filter)

Within a catalog are the definitions of the product properties, called Search Filters. Each property of your product that you want to make searchable must have its own Search Filter.

3. Create your products

The products that you upload via the API will be those that will be presented to the user by the agent.

4. Authorize your DNS

Via the back-office or the API, add the DNS of the site that will host the client and use your appToken.

5. Use the ChatSystem client

The ChatSystem client is available as a react pakckage on npmjs and also a bundled version for other sites at the URL https://chatsystem.s3.eu-west-3.amazonaws.com/index.js, which you can use in a <script> tag with the source pointing to the URL, and your appToken as a parameter like this:

<script type="text/javascript"src="https://chatsystem.s3.eu-west-3.amazonaws.com/index.js"data-apptoken="YOUR_APP_TOKEN"></script>

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